
Hoffman Multi-Compartment 2-D Brain Phantom™












Hoffman 多隔室2-D脑模体™主要特点:

Anatomically correct – varying isotope uptake ratios – simulation of the activity distribution in a flow or metabolic image of normal and abnormal human brain*
Seven (7) gray-matter compartments that may be separately filled with varying amounts of radiotracer to simulate a variety, of “hot” and “cold” abnormalities
-正常灰质:白质:脑室放射性活度比为4:1:0 (按部分体积效应模拟)
Normal gray-matter:white-matter:ventricle activity, ratio is 4:1:0 (simulated by partial volume effect)
Abnormal-gray-matter:normal-gray-matter activity, ratios can be varied from 0.25:1 to greater than 100:1

Hoffman 多隔室2-D脑模体™主要应用领域:

  SPECT and PET applications include research, system performance measurements, optimization of imaging protocols, image interpretation, and training








图A:Hoffman 多隔室2-D脑模体™的SPECT影像及轮廓,箭头指示的隔室显示加剧的放射性活动,以模拟发作期时灌注量增加67%的现象

SPECT image and profile of Hoffman 2-D Multi-Compartment Brain Phantom™ with a compartment (arrow) filled with increased activity to simulate a 67% increase in perfusion during an intraictal phase








图B:Hoffman 多隔室2-D脑模体™的SPECT影像及轮廓,箭头指示的隔室显示衰减的放射性活动,以模拟发作期时灌注量减少67%的现象

SPECT image and profile of Hoffman 2-D Multi-Compartment Brain Phantom™ with a compartment (arrow) filled with decreased activity to simulate a 67% reduction in perfusion during an interictal phase.









图C:Hoffman 多隔室2-D脑模体™的SPECT影像及轮廓,箭头指示的隔室显示衰减的放射性活动,以模拟发作期时灌注量减少33%的现象

SPECT image and profile of Hoffman 2-D Multi-Compartment Brain Phantom™ with a compartment (arrows) filled with decreased activity to simulate a 33% reduction in perfusion in the left frontal lobe.

* Hoffman EJ, Ricci AR, van der Stee LMAM, Phelps ME. ECAT — Basic Design Considerations, IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, NS-30:729-733, 1983.


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【关于飞勒】辽宁飞勒科技有限责任公司是一家专业从事核医学及放射影像医学检测设备与服务的供应商。公司自成立以来,一直致力于核医学检测设备的开发与进口核医学检测模体的销售,公司现为众多世界知名品牌的实验室模体设备(美国High Precision Devices、 美国QalibreMD、 美国Data Spectrum Corporation、 美国Portal Medical、 美国West Physics、 美国Supertech、 英国Leeds Test Objects等)在华的合作供应商及独家代理商,我们利用自身的优势,为国家各级医疗器械科研机构、医疗器械生产企业、医疗器械检测中心、国家质检部门、各级医院以及各级疾控部门、全国各大高校等单位,提供优质、专业的医疗器械测试技术服务与检测产品。
