Elliptical Jaszczak Phantom™
Elliptical Jaszczak phantom with elliptical body shap
For use with high spatial resolution SPECT and PET systems
Evaluation of data acquisition using non-circular orbit
System performance evaluation over larger field-of-view (collimator, artifacts, calibration,reconstruction parameters)
Study of the effects of regional variation in intrinsic system response using uniform portion of the elliptical cylinder
Evaluation of the accuracy of body contour and attenuation compensation algorithms
Study of spatial resolution variation within the field-of-view using portion of insert containing variable sized rods
Evaluation of lesion detectability using portion of inserts containing multi-sized spheres
Study of the effects of finite spatial resolution & Compton scatter on image quality
Acceptance testing
Routine quality assurance and control
-测量冷棒直径/Rod diameters: 6.4, 7.9, 9.5, 11.1, 12.7 and 19.1 mm
-冷棒高度/Height of rods: 8.8 cm
-实心球直径/Solid sphere diameters: 12.7, 15.9, 19.1, 25.4, 31.8 and 38 mm
-球体中心高度(从底板处测量)/Height of center of spheres from base plate: 12.7 cm
-圆柱模体长轴内直径/Cylinder inside diameter along major axis: 30.5 cm
-圆柱模体短轴内直径/Cylinder inside diameter along minor axis: 22.1 cm
-圆柱内部高度/Cylinder inside height: 18.6 cm
-圆柱壁厚/Cylinder wall thickness: 6.4 mm
-圆柱空量容积/Volume of empty cylinder: ~ 9.5 L
-圆柱含冷棒及冷球插件后容积/Volume of cylinder with cold rod insert and cold spheres: ~ 8.3 L
相关产品/Related Products:
美国Data Spectrum Corporation产品 – ECT (SPECT及PET) 模体
美国Data Spectrum Corporation全系列模体中国地区总经销:
联系人:刘女士 电话:18241547308 电子邮箱:sales@fiatlux.tech 飞勒官网:http://fiatlux.tech/
【关于飞勒】辽宁飞勒科技有限责任公司是一家专业从事核医学及放射影像医学检测设备与服务的供应商。公司自成立以来,一直致力于核医学检测设备的开发与进口核医学检测模体的销售,公司现为众多世界知名品牌的实验室模体设备(美国High Precision Devices、 美国QalibreMD、 美国Data Spectrum Corporation、 美国Portal Medical、 美国West Physics、 美国Supertech、 英国Leeds Test Objects等)在华的合作供应商及独家代理商,我们利用自身的优势,为国家各级医疗器械科研机构、医疗器械生产企业、医疗器械检测中心、国家质检部门、各级医院以及各级疾控部门、全国各大高校等单位,提供优质、专业的医疗器械测试技术服务与检测产品。